The TV Commerical That Got Me (An Article For Those Who REALLY Wrestle With Weight!)
Have you ever been innocently watching television, not even thinking about food...and then all of a sudden, BAM--there it is, the TV commercial that got you?!?!?!
I can remember very specifically one night when it happened to me.
It was getting close to dinner time and I was feel a tad bit on the hungry side. I had thought about what I might have for dinner; however, I had not made up my mind. I had been in a season of eating healthy and was considering something "good for me"...until...
...the Pizza Hut commercial came on!
Ordinarily I can resist a food commercial, but this one in particular was featuring their stuffed crust pizza. I was captivated by frame after frame of hot, melted cheese being pulled from the pizza, being eaten by an actor--and then seeing the smile across that same actors face.
Before I knew it I had downloaded the Pizza Hut app (yes, that's a real thing), placed an order for a stuffed crust, meat lovers pizza and made plans to dominate it as soon as it arrived. (AND...I did!)
I've got to be honest - the feeling while eating the pizza was incredible--and, although I knew I should stop after my second piece, I went on to have several more.
Afterwards I felt like sin was literally in my stomach and was pretty much worthless for the rest of the evening. If it's true that you are what you eat, then I was nothing more than a pile of melted cheese, meat and bread who was firmly planted on the couch and could not move.
(Isn't it funny how the food we eat really can impact our mood?)
As I look back on giving into my television temptation it has become more and more apparent to me that I gave in to what the Bible often refers to as "sins of the flesh."
Most often in church world when we hear "sins of the flesh" we think of people struggling with porn, sexual sin and even anger issues.
However, one of the most POWERFUL "sins of the flesh" is our battle with food!
In a recent study released by the Center for Disease Control, almost 40% of American adults (and almost 20% of adolescents are obese) - the highest rates ever recorded for the US. And, while there are many diseases we can't seem to quite find a cure for--the one for being obese is quite clear...
...eating right and exercise!
I do not say all of this from a place of arrogance--but rather from a place of empathy and understanding. If you struggle with weight - I get it! I once weighed 300 pounds and wore a size 50 in the waist. I have fought the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual battle of weight loss nearly all my life...
...and over the past year and a half I have finally began to experience victory in this area of my life--and if I can do it--THEN YOU CAN AS WELL!
The main thing that had to change in me when it came to issues dealing with eating right and exercise was the way that I thought.
I used to get trapped into thinking, "this is just who I am," or, "this is how God made me, " but--as I look back, those were deceiving thoughts I was allowing the enemy to place into my mind in order to prevent me from living the abundant life Jesus promised in John 10:10
The Apostle Paul writes in II Corinthians 10:5, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
In other words - changing the way I think = changing the way I live!
In my brand new eBook that will be released next week, "I Can Win With Weight--A 90 Day Guide To Losing Weight And Feeling Great", I discuss the spiritual aspect of the battle with weight loss, an exercise plan that WILL work (and is simple to follow), a way to eat that will help you lose weight and keep it off--as well as dealing with the excuses we so often find ourselves making.
If you have EVER been serious about losing weight and feeling great, then I can say I honestly believe purchasing this eBook will be the best $7 investment you have ever made in your life.
(AND--not only do you get the eBook, but you will be emailed a devotional every single day for the first 10 days as well as become a part of a private Facebook group where we can share our challenges, our wins--as well as pray for and encourage one another!)
I'm so excited about this resource as I believe it's going to help so many people!!
More details coming soon!