
The Spider In The Shower

Oct 20, 2006

Most of you know I hate spiders…


Seriously…if you are wondering if there is a God in heaven…throw a spider on me and you will find out.  (By the way…if you decide to do this…I will not be held responsible for any bodily functions that I lose control of or any words that may come out of my mouth!!!  AND…I hope you have a will!!!)

Now you have got to keep that in mind as I am developing this story…

One Sunday morning I was in the shower and just happened to look up—and there it was—a spider—just sort of hanging there in mid-air—looking at me.

I froze—what was I supposed to do?  Here was the creature that was about to bring about my demise.  I had to make a move…so…I took a swing…


Now he was really ticked off and began lowering himself towards me.  So I did what any man would do in that situation…I screamed and began swinging at this thing with both hands.  And…I hit EVERYTHING in the shower (shampoo bottles, etc.) except for the spider.

Literally, this thing kept dodging my punches…it would just hang in the air…I would swing…miss…and then it would just come towards me even more.

I was about to surrender defeat until I slowed down and realized something…this was NOT a spider…it was a fly.

I had freaked out and nearly messed all over myself over a fly.  A FLY!!!  I broke out in laughter—I could not stop…I am laughing now just thinking about it.

So why in the world would I tell you this story?  Simple—I know people who think a certain way…that way of thinking is NOT true…but because they don’t know truth that feel trapped in a terrifying situation and are having a very wrong reaction…when in actuality if they knew the truth they could calm down and move on with life.  What are some untruths?

Well—we’ll be talking about them in this new series beginning on Sunday entitled, “Lord of the Rings.”  There are so many myths today regarding sex, dating, marriage, divorce…you name it.  And…as I said yesterday the church has chosen to remain silent on the subjects.  (Except for the ones that are loud and yell at people!!!)

AND…because of these myths people are doing crazy things…jumping from bedroom to bedroom in an attempt to heal pain in their lives…calling divorce lawyers because they think it is the only way out…seeking to BE SERVED in marriage rather than seeking TO SERVE…dating someone that isn’t godly, but they sure are cute, and rationalizing that “I can save them”...thinking that something as awful and painful as an affair could “never happen to this marriage.”

YES—these are things that people deal with—EVERY DAY!!!  And so for the next several weeks we are going to take a look to see what Scripture says about these issues…and how Jesus is so much smarter than Dr. Phil and Oprah.

See you on Sunday—bring several friends.  AND DON’T MISS THE OPENING SONG!!!!