
The Church And It’s Passion - Part Two

Jul 21, 2006

Should the church grow…or remain at a certain number?  That seems to be a question for some people who never seem to make it past the first chapter of Acts…because if you make it to chapter two—that question is answered!!!

Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 that He would build HIS church (in other words—it doesn’t belong to us!)  And we see evidence of this taking place in Acts 1:15 where Scripture says there were about 120 people “in the church.”  This was quite an improvement from 11 scared dudes locked in a room-but something happened when they saw Jesus—they could not SHUT UP about Him…and so we evidence of the movement growing.

120 people—now hold on…admit it—that is a SAFE number!!!  I mean…it’s perfect—everybody can know everybody…I can imagine the conversations now.  “Hey Mary—nice dress!”  “Hey Thomas…do you think the fish are biting today.”  And I am sure Thomas would reply that he seriously doubted it!  I am sure the fellowship was intimate…once again—safe—comfortable…everything that a person would want.

Let me be honest here…and yes, this is a rant—this attitude bothers me…when Christians get in a church, it grows to a certain size…and then they want no more people to come in.  You see this—THEY are ok with God—THEY have accepted Christ—THEY are on their way to heaven—but THEY don’t want anyone else coming in and messing up their system!  (Are THEY the ones Jesus speaks of in Matthew 7:21-23?  I’m just asking?)

I saw this first hand when I was a card carrying pagan.  In 1989 I was employed at Ryans in Easley, SC and worked every Sunday afternoon.   Now if you have EVER worked in the restaurant industry you know the absolute worse day in the world to work is on Sunday…more on that in a second.

So there I was—EVERY Sunday…and EVERY Sunday these people who had just gotten out of church would file by me.  I mean, I saw them every week—many of them KNEW MY NAME!!!  Do you know how many ever invited me to church?  How many ever shared the Gospel with me?  How many ever seriously asked me how I was doing?  The answer for all three questions are the same—ZERO!!!

I once heard it said this way…and I agree…the problem with many Christians when they go to a restaurant on Sunday is that they are more concerned with their food than they are about the person bringing them their food!!!  I watched this—witnessed it—rudeness to servers…and let’s not even begin to discuss how “Christians” tip!  (Once again—those in the restaurant industry—I am speaking your language!)

Why is this—well, it’s quite simple.  People with this mindset have an “all about me” mindset.  After all, they just left a church where everything was all about them…why not expect the same out of the people down at the restaurant?

120 people—safe, secure, intimate…and it was all good…until God showed up and “ruined” the whole thing.  Let me make you a promise…if God had wanted the church to remain small…the New Testament would have ENDED at Acts 1…but then that pesky next chapter just blows the idea of “us four and no more” out of the water…and I will blog about that in my next post.

Before I quit though…let me just say that in 1989 when I worked at Ryans…I was about as far from God as a guy could get.  I am so glad that a person from a church in Easley finally took the “risk” and invited me.  I am so glad that when I went I was not looked down upon because I didn’t have any “church clothes.”  I am so glad that they were so concerned with their flippin’ power and position in the church that they completely ignored me.

You see…I mattered to someone…they invited me…and the church grew one more person.  Eventually I accepted Christ because SOMEONE took the time to invest in me and then invite me to a place where I could meet Jesus.  Do you think that God was mad about it?

There are those reading this that agree…you are so glad that SOMEONE invited you to a church that has moved past the things that clog up many churches today…politics, dress codes, business meetings.  You are glad that you came to a place where you could hear about Jesus…you are glad that you mattered to someone and were not viewed as a threat to someone’s social status.

People can argue all they want…but READ YOUR BIBLE…you NEVER see God getting angry about a church growing…lives being changed…people being saved.  BUT you often see God getting ticked when He is disobeyed…and churches that are not reaching people are NOT only selfish…they are DISOBEDIENT!