I have had an awesome couple of days away—just reading, thinking, and reflecting on all that God has been doing in my life AND in the life of NewSpring over the past six years. I am DESPERATELY seeking Him and what He wants for our church…
All I feel He has been telling me the past two days is, “Don’t EVER start playing it safe—there are too many people going to hell around you—take HUGE risks—think BIG—and don’t ever wait on me—I am waiting on you!”
One of the dangers is that when a church grows and experiences success is that it begins to back off and play not to lose instead of playing to win. God has not called us to do that—and He is currently setting my heart on fire with passion and my mind is being filled with ideas. (Keep praying!)
The days ahead of us are awesome—this fall is going to be amazing. We had 5,156 people at church this past Sunday—we had around 2,900 this time last year—YEAH GOD…and the best is YET to come!