Sunday Night Reflections
Hey NewSpring Church - today was one of my favorite days in our 16 year history!!!
Thousands of people responded to the invitation to believe "God can" do a miracle.
We had to use overflow seating at many of our campuses.
Over a dozen people received Christ!
And I got to flex my chest muscles! :-)
I felt something today - it was strong, real and I think will be apparent in the days to come...
Because people realized "I Can" follow Christ - and as I pursue Jesus I will walk away from things that will destroy me.
Because we understood that "We Can" make a difference- and that the world, though at times seems in complete chaos, is still in the hands of a Sovereign God who is in complete control.
(By the way - the cross is a picture of when things seem way out of control, God is actually in control of it all!).
Because we made the decision that "God Can" do anything (maybe even let someone at NewSpring win the powerball!) :-)
As I said today - I have two goals for all of us this year...
1 - That in a year from now, when your friends and family members are asked, "Who is someone in your life who has made a difference" they automatically think of you! (As you follow Christ, you will impact people in ways you could never imagine.)
2 - That 2016 will be the year that you walked with Jesus closer than any other time in your life.
I am firmly convinced that the way to build a great church is to build great people - and I am praying that this will be the greatest year of our lives!
Let's do this NewSpring - I love you guys, thanks for allowing me to serve as your pastor!
The Best Is Yet To Come!!