Pastor P

Sunday Night Reflections

Sep 21, 2008

Here are a few thoughts before I hit the bed—hard!

  • I NEVER get tired of seeing people go public through baptism—ever!  All four testimonies today were powerful!
  • We had over 400 people walk forward between our Anderson & Greenville campuses that signed up for baptism that will be taking place on Saturday, October 4th…and I know a lot more will sign up between now & then!
  • By the way…if you didn’t respond today and still want to be baptized…here is the link where you can find out all of the information AND sign up!
  • Jesus wants us to go public for Him…He went public for us.  Why in the world would we want to hide the fact that we’ve received Jesus, He power washed our souls and made us brand new.
  • Yes, the goose story was true!!!
  • PLEASE do everything you can to BE at the baptism on October 4th…it will be one of the most powerful things you’ve ever experienced, trust me!
  • AND…go CRAZY!  Tailgate!!!  There will be an award at both locations for the best tailgating spot!!!
  • HEY, if people celebrate football games this way…I think the church should OUTDO them by the way we celebrate people going public for Christ.
  • Next week we will be dealing with another “next step” that Christ commands us to take…and I can’t WAIT to preach that message.  I’ve literally been sitting on it for about a year!!!
  • Yes, I WAS serious about our church one day having a service in Death Valley…AND filling the place up—TWICE!  Why not?  God’s huge!!!  I think He is WAY capable of making that happen!
  • AND…as I said today, WHO is actually bothered when the church grows and the Bride of Jesus shines…God or satan?  Who would want to keep the church small and controlled?  Would it be God or satan?  Hmmmm….
  • Our MISSION as a church is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, NOT to endorse a political party…NOT to legislate morality…but to tell the world about JESUS!  I am so committed to that because HE CHANGED MY LIFE!

On a personal note…

  • I would appreciate the prayers…I think I am fighting an oncoming cold…and my back is REALLY giving me trouble.  Getting old STINKS!
  • Pray for me as I will be traveling to Los Angeles this week to speak at the Dream Center.  I love getting to spend time with Pastor Matthew and Pastor Tommy…God ALWAYS uses them to stretch me.
  • Charisse keeps saying the word “jeep” tonight.  I’ve been contemplating getting a motorcycle…but I am thinking about a jeep instead now.  Can’t decide!
  • HOWEVER, I did find an AWESOME recliner on Saturday…might have to get that soon!  Every man needs a recliner!  I am sure that is in the Bible somewhere…maybe I Opinons 2:31!!!