Pastor P

Sunday Night Reflections

Aug 16, 2009

I really don’t think I can put what happened today into words…but I will try…here goes…

  • We saw over 50 people at the Anderson campus walk forward and pray out loud to receive Christ in front of thousands of people…that never gets old!
  • We were able to go live today in Florence…that gives us two portable campuses where we are able to show live video every week…Columbia starts soon!
  • We announced our 10 year anniversary service…Sunday, January 24…one service at the BILO Center in Greenville…it will seat around 15,000 people and we are expecting EVERY seat to be filled!
  • Today’s services were, hands down, the most energetic and exciting services we’ve ever had in the history of our church.  WOW!
  • The 6:00 service at the Anderson campus was the most energetic crowd I’ve ever seen…probably going to have to replace the walls this week…I think they were torn down!
  • Had some major traffic today at the Anderson campus…which is amazing!  Seriously, if you’re stuck in traffic next week just stop and say, “This is church!”
  • Next week on Anderson’s campus you can attend the main sanctuary…OR you can go across to the Fuse building and watch the service in that environment via video…it is INCREDIBLE!
  • Yes, I did say that the problem with many churches is that they have become “Keepers of the aquarium” rather than “fishers of men.”  We will not be that church!  Our goal isn’t to keep churched people happy…but rather to reach people who are far from God.
  • AND…the line above I ripped off from one of my favorite preachers…Pastor EV Hill.
  • Our agenda isn’t ANYTHING except the Gospel…and we are OBLIGATED to take HIS message to the world!  When a social agenda replaces the Gospel as a church’s main agenda…it’s OVER!
  • So thankful that we were able to give away thousands of copies of Bill Hybels book, “Just Walk Across The Room,” by far the best book I’ve ever read on personal evangelism.
  • To other church leaders who read this blog…we made the decision several weeks ago to make this substantial investment because we believe in the power of personal evangelism…and we wanted to resource our people in the best way possible…so we challenged them and then put it in their hands.  The book was free…no strings attached…and I can’t WAIT to see how God uses this!
  • Would you be willing to pray, “Jesus, I am available…use me in whatever situation You wish to reach whoever You wish…I am YOURS!”
  • The early church prayed for BOLDNESS…we should do the same…God WILL answer this prayer!  (Acts 4:23-31!)
  • It was also awesome giving away the “Jesus” stickers to go on our cars…can’t wait to see thousands of cars riding around with “Jesus” on them!  (And…I am serious about what I said today in the service…for those who have a NewSpring sticker on your car, put your “Jesus” sticker OVER the NewSpring sticker…it’s all about HIM!)
  • I once read a statistic that said 25% of unchurched people in America said they would be willing to go to church THIS Sunday…if someone would personally invite them!
  • I can’t say this enough…do all that you can to get whoever you can to NewSpring Church next week as we begin our new series, “Five Lies of the Devil.”  Can’t wait!!!
  • Let me say this one more time…I KNOW it’s often scary and intimidating to share Christ with someone and/or invite them to church; however, we need to embrace the fact that we are called to be uncomfortable.  Pray for boldness and GO FOR IT!  AND…
  • DON’T GIVE UP ON THEM!!!  I am soooo glad that a guy named David didn’t give up on me!!!  He kept inviting me…and finally I went…and several months later surrendered my life to Christ!!!
  • The new coaching network begins this Thursday…can’t wait to connect with some amazing leaders.
  • I serve with the most amazing staff and volunteers on the planet.
  • I can’t WAIT to see what happens next!!!

That’s it…good night!