Stop Complaining About What You Do Not Have
I remember the first time I went to a C3 conference at Fellowship Church. It was in January of 2002 and we had a total of six people on staff. (One was working for free and another was part time.)
I sat in amazement as I saw what I call “next level ministry” take place—a church service that was designed for those who were far from God…or who said they were not interested in church because it was boring.
But something bothered me about that experience…it has bothered me every year I have gone. And not just at C3…the thing that bothers me happens at the Catalyst conference—it happens at things at Willow Creek…and to be honest—it makes me SICK.
Wondering what it is yet? Well ready or not—here we go…
It BOTHERS me when I go to one of these conferences and hear a dynamic speaker lay it all on the line and talk about reaching people and seeing lives changed…and then pastors and church leaders will congregate after a session outside of the building and begin to say things like, “Oh sure, if I had all of this technology and a big building and money and a large staff…I could reach more people too.”
No wonder the church isn’t making very much noise in America today…it’s leaders are standing around and making excuses and complaining about all the things they do not have.
I must give props to Ed Young and Bill Hybils…nearly every time I hear them speak they say, “Don’t try to be like us—be unique.” And a little research will show that these guys started with the bare minimum…and God has used them & brought them to where they are today.
God set my heart on fire in January of 2002…because at that conference in Grapevine, Texas, I was able to see in person what I had been seeing in my mind since 1996.
Let me be very clear…we didn’t have a large staff, we didn’t have money, we didn’t have a building—but we had a fire and a passion to reach people for Christ…and that has been the difference maker.
Let me be honest—here are some things you do NOT need to grow a church…
#1 - A Building - God allowed us to grow to over 4,700 people in RENTED facilities. I will be honest—meeting in rented facilities is an extremely challenging thing…but it CAN be done if people are willing to “put their hand to the plow.” God was good to us at Anderson University, and now that He has blessed us with a building…I believe that we will see even more—“to whom much has been given—much is required.”
#2 - A Seminary Degree - Wow—this is sacred ground for some…I know you worked HARD for that piece of paper; however, its not necessary to grow a church. There are some people who are passionate about it—heck, a guy even called my assistant this week and told here that I was a moron because I didn’t have one (yes—that’s true), but I just do not see where it is commanded in Scripture.
#3 - Money - When we first started we were so poor that we had to go to Kentucky Fried Chicken & lick other people’s fingers! Listen—if you are waiting on someone to come in and drop a large amount of cash on you before you attempt something great then chances are that you will always sit on your “blessed assurance” and do nothing! Don’t get me wrong—money pays the bills…but it amazes me the number of church planters that want 100k in the bank before starting someone—PEOPLE—if it is in the bank then it is NOT being used for ministry!
#4 - Experience - I knew when I was 26 that I was going to start a church one day; however, I felt it would be when I was around 40 or 50…after all, who in their right mind would listen to anything I had to say? Besides…I had been on staff with two seperate churches…but never in the capacity of a senior pastor. But…God set my heart on fire and it came to a point where I could not deny it any longer. I still feel WAY underqualified to do what I do—maybe that’s why I stay so desperate for God to work…after all, I am trying my best to listen to Him…and He has a TON of experience.
There are more—but it feels like this is getting long. The bottom line is that the church has God’s Word, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Fellowship of the Saints…that’s enough to change the world—it was in Acts 2 and it is still the same today. The other things we get are simply a bonus from the Lord—so use what you’ve got wisely…and stop making excuses and telling God all the reasons He can’t do what He wants to do!