
Spilling Coffee

Aug 2, 2006

I spilled my coffee on the way to church this morning—and for just a second I was REALLY hacked off!

Some of you are already feeling my pain…but for those who are not please let me explain.  It was the dark roast coffee at Chic-fil-a…which is the best coffee in Anderson in my opinion.
AND it was a small coffee…not a large.  I am trying to cut back on the large coffees because they produce an enormous amount of tee tee…just being honest.

So here I have this small coffee…I put it beside me for a second and the next thing I know I am slamming on the brakes and the coffee goes everywhere.

NOW—at this point I had a couple of choices…

Choice #1 - I could have said multiple “not nice” words, using the rational that God forgives and will understand if I lose my temper.  THEN…I could have been mad for the rest of the day and BLAMED it all on spilling several ounces of coffee in my car.  OR…

Choice #2 - I could have laughed & went on with my day, and even paused to thank God that I could even afford a cup of coffee…AND also thank Him for the fact that I was driving a car.

I went with choice #2…AND not because I am good but rather for most of my life I would have went with choice #1 and, whenever I did so…no one really wanted to be around me.

I heard a saying one time that I love—God chooses what we go through—we choose how we go through it.  And our attitude is a choice.  The attitude you have right now—you chose that attitude—it was not forced upon you—you don’t have it because you got up “on the wrong side of the bed”—you don’t have it because your diapers were put on too tight as a kid…you chose it.

That’s why Paul tells us in Philippians 2:5 that our attitude should be like Jesus’.

Translation—STOP letting little, insignificant things destroy your day!!!  So…you spilled some coffee…you get a ticket…you lose a sale.  Should that be a reason to make your life miserable as well as the lives of everyone around you?

The next time you are tempted to get angry at the circumstances that seem to be dominating you—STOP, think for a second…and find at least three things to thank God for.  I have to do this because it brings things into a proper perspective for me—instead of narrowing my focus on the problem it enlarges my focus on all that I have been blessed with.

So…I will probably get some more coffee tomorrow…AND I will try to be more careful…but if I spill it again I will choose to have a positive attitude and be thankful…and I admit that this isn’t easy…but I just think that’s the kind of attitude Jesus would have had.