
Something HIT Me The Other Morning…

Aug 8, 2008

The other morning in my quiet time something hit me like crazy.

Mark 10:17 mentions Jesus being on Hie way to Jerusalem.

Mark 10:32 says the same thing…Jesus was on the way to Jerusalem.

Then, in Mark 11:1 I read again that Jesus was approaching Jerusalem.

Three times I saw this and it HIT ME!  “Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem to die!  He knew what was going to happen there…and was completely willing to set aside His need/desire for comfort or convenience for the sake of a cross.”

I was convicted!  So many times I have made this life about me, about doing what is the easiest thing to do…about taking the most convenient way around whatever I may be facing.

But Jesus walked towards to cross, knowing that in the end God was going to be glorified and the world wasn’t going to be the same.

That should be my desire as well…to fix my eyes on Jesus and to fully follow Him…even when it isn’t convenient…even when it means laying aside my desire for comfort…even when it means persecution…even when it means pain and suffering.

Because…without the cross their is no resurrection!

Jesus, completely trusted His Father and walked toward Jerusalem!

I want that same level of trust in Him, knowing that as I follow I will experience some things that will hurt and confuse me…but knowing that He is perfect and Holy…and so are His plans.