So What Is God Up To?
I can’t get the thought out of my head, “two more weeks at Anderson University!” It doesn’t seem real…even as I sit here, right now in my office at the new building…even as I sat there and watched the construction workers doing their thing—it just doesn’t seem real.
I was amazed yesterday and the number of people that came to church—God is truly doing some amazing things among us. One of my favorite things that Jesus said was the fact that He is always at work—always—whether we see Him or not—He’s at work.
And we have seen Him work among us for the past six years in amazing ways.
And so in two weeks we are moving into our very own facility. God is truly stirring the heart of this community…and I believe that HUGE things are on the horizon. I want to communicate again and again that our goal was NEVER to build a huge building…but to provide a place where ministry can take place—a place where God can engage people and literally bring them from death to life…and place where we can worship…a place where we can experience fellowship with one another!
Anyone who has visited NewSpring knows that God is at work—to deny this fact is absurd skepticism. We understand that we are not everyone’s style—but the Gospel is being preached and we are seeing fruit.
However, what is amazing is that it is not just us. Check out this post from Gary, this one from Tony...and then this one from Scott. All three were posted yesterday…it seems that God is up to something…He’s stirring the heart of not only the people here in Anderson—but people all across the United States.
I personally believe He is drawing people back to His bride…the local church. I believe that He is allowing people to see how beautiful she is. I believe the church has an opportunity to shine brighter than ever before. And I believe that no matter who rises up to condemn this move—that they will be silenced…and the church will live on!
I celebrate with the guys I mentioned above…gentlemen, I REALLY am excited about your ministry and the work that you are doing. Thank you for posting what you did—God is at work…He is active…and the evidence is clear. Once again…something huge is on the horizon…and I believe that we are about to see God do some things that will blow our minds, right here in Anderson and all across the world!
He’s always at work!
In other news…
To my Clemson peeps—I will be speaking at FCA this Thursday night…I hope to be able to meet some of you.
Marathon training is going well…the crew ran seven miles this past Saturday—IN THE RAIN! WOW…I love running in the rain…one of my best runs ever was in a thunderstorm…lightening was flashing all around me—it sort of gave me a sense of urgency! :-)
I heard that Campbells Soup made a one million dollar donation to the University of South Carolina. Their reason…they have been searching for creative ways to make chicken fall apart in a bowl…and with what happened in USC’s game versus Missouri they said that they are now years ahead in their research development.
More to come on this later—but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE…if you are a NewSpringer…we need to you make an attempt for the next couple of weeks to either come at 8:30 or 6:00…we have been slammed at our middle services—which is NOT a problem…but we want to try to create as many open seats as possible. Come on—8:30 for two more weeks—you can do it!