Was chatting with the interns the other day and taking some notes and came up with this blog post on six questions every staff should ask…here goes…
#1 - Do We Have A Culture of Greed or Generosity?
A staff that has a heart for Christ and His church are always looking to what they can give in order to help others (both in time and money) rather than take from them!
#2 - Are We Being Attentive to the Details?
When a staff member begins to say that certain things that were once viewed as important no longer matter—that is usually evidence of laziness and/or apathy! Details matter!!
#3 - Do We Communicate Well Between Departments?
Healthy communication is a MUST…and each department MUST realize that EVERYONE works for the same team. When silo’s begin to develop and individual teams begin to matter more than the ministry—that is a dangerous problem! We are called to serve WITH one another!
#4 - Do We Know It All…Or Are We Desperate For God’s Direction As To Our Next Step?
All to often we can become so wise with our ideas and concepts that we “plan God right out of what’s next!” If a staff is going to accomplish all God wants them to do…they MUST DREAM BIG and then be willing to follow His leadership to accomplish that dream one step at a time.
#5 - Are We Authentic or Fake?
A staff cannot maximize the potential God has for them if they spend most of their time with one another trying to be someone that they are not! Authenticity and transparency MUST be two key core values of any team that plans on working together for the long haul.
#6 - Are We Focused On One Vision Or Many Visions (which is DI-VISION!)
You’ve seen it…a church has a vision statement, the youth ministry has one as well…and the children’s ministry…and the…well, you get the picture.
In order to be successful each staff member must see themselves as a part of THE VISION God wants to accomplish through that particular church…instead of formulating their own vision and then attempting to use the church to make it happen!
The staff HASN’T been called to COMPETE with one another…but COMPLETE one another!