
Seven Thoughts I’m Wrestling With

Feb 3, 2010

#1 - Why is the church so content with being normal when God has promised the supernatural?

#2 - Why are some in the church obsessed with obtaining information but have no desire to live out the transformation that Jesus brings?

#3 - Why do some in the church excuse non excellent standards by saying phrases such as, “well, after all…it’s just church?”  Our standards of doing things should not be lower than the worlds…they should be higher; after all, what the church does matters!

#4 - Why do we claim to follow a God who changes things…and yet often times we refuse to change things?

#5 - Why do we set our expectations on the lives that Jesus wants us to live so low when Scripture sets them so high?

#6 - Why does the church always try to control people when Jesus died so that we could be unleashed?

#7 - Why is it that so many church leaders would rather lead through imitation (becoming just like someone else) rather than revelation (listening to God and then doing what He says?)