
Separation Of Church And State

Jul 4, 2007

Happy fourth of July everyone—we love this holiday here in the south—every redneck in Anderson County has already spent hundreds of dollars on fireworks…and tonight there will be an abundance of explosions.  ANY reason we can find to blow things up—we’re all over it!

But—this fourth has me thinking some patriotic thoughts…

Someone ask me should the church and politics ever mix.  My response then, and now, was ”ABSOLUTELY!”  Let me explain…

As Christians we have a right and a responsibility to vote—period.  I can’t stand a person who sits around and complains about government officials and policies and never even takes the time to vote.

Some would argue that the Apostle Paul, and hardly any of the other New Testament writers, ever really encouraged people to vote.  Uh…yeah…if you will study history then it is an easy discovery that Israel had been occupied by the Roman army…no one got to vote during that period of time!!!

Now when a pastor begins talking politics it often ruffles feathers and those opposed to the idea scream, “What about separation of church and state?”  I always ask in response, “what about it?”

One of the myths that the American people believe is that the phrase “separation of church and state” is in the constitution.  NEWS FLASH—it is not there!!!  That phrase does not exist ANYWHERE in the documents that the founding fathers used to establish this nation.  Don’t take my word for it—check the constitution out for yourself—it is nowhere in here!!!

So where did the phrase originate?  It was first penned in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury  Baptists and was in regards to actually protecting the church from the state and not vice versa.

BUT now secular organizations and special interest groups have tried to squash the church out of politics by using a phrase that, once again, NEVER appears in the constitution!

Now how involved do I think the church should be in politics?  Great question!  I think the church should pray for their government leaders…and the church should also encourage the people attending to vote.

Here is where I WILL draw the line.  While I do believe we should vote…as a pastor I don’t think I could ever tell the people at NewSpring, “You should vote—and if you love Jesus and want to go to heaven then you will vote for so and so!”

How do I think a Christian should vote?  It’s really simple!!!  I think every Christian should seriously consider who we are seeking first—a political party or Jesus Christ!  (Matthew 6:33)  If we are loyal to ANY party or policy before Jesus then repentance is in order.

After making sure that Jesus truly IS Lord…I think the next step is to get to know the candidates.  Seriously seek true and reliable information…and don’t just take the word of their opponents on their television commercials.  (In fact, I don’t watch those STUPID things…to be honest they tick me off!  I hear complaining about people who are starving to death in the US and politicians are spending MILLIONS of dollars telling the world how awesome they are!)

THEN…after doing what is mentioned above…I think EVERY SINGLE CHRISTIAN should seek Jesus…seriously get on their face before God and acknowledge the privilege and responsibility of being involved in government…and then ask the Lord, “OK…who do YOU want me to vote for?”

Some are saying, “It’s not that simple!!!”  My question back to you is, “why not?”  As followers of Jesus Christ we are called to do what He says…to fully follow Him…to love nothing or no one more than we love Him.  And if we are going to trust Him with our eternity then surely we can trust Him with who we vote for, can’t we?

Once again, I am NOT endorsing a particular political party here—BUT I am saying that there should NOT be a separation in this area.  If you are a Christian then Scripture is clear that you’ve asked Jesus to be the LORD of your life…and that even means who you should and should not vote for.

Besides…why not seek Him…He knows who the candidates REALLY are anyway!

Happy fourth!