NewSpring Church Staff Core Values

Feb 6, 2014

In the February edition of the Leadership Podcast, we mentioned that in one of Andy Stanley's recent podcasts, he recommended that we develop a culture for our team and create core values for our staff. These are the NewSpring Church staff core values. Also thanks to Rick Warren for the acrostic inspiration!

#1 - Listen to Jesus and do what He says. (You can read this blog post about the filters we use for listening to Jesus and making decisions)

#2 - Commit to CHANGE

  • C - Care about people (We are, after all, in the people business!)
  • H - Health (emotional, family, financial, physical and spiritual.)
  • A - Awe (We are never going to forget where we came from and how far God has brought us.)
  • N - Numbers (Not numbers that point to achievement, but stats that point to potential! Jesus cared about numbers too!)
  • G - Grit (Having the "whatever it takes" mentality. Here is the Ted Talk by Angela Duckworth that explains this concept.)
  • E - Everything matters (Everything we do affects everything we do. We are ALL one big team.)

#3 - The Best is Yet to Come