My Thoughts On The 2016 Presidential Election
I've never seen anything like this!
It seems that every single week someone else throws their "hat in the ring" and declares they are running for President of the United States.
As I've tried my best to listen to the candidates involved in the race it has become very evident there are some well-qualified men and women making a run for office.
And I honestly have NO IDEA who I would vote for right now if I had to make a choice.
(Let me push the pause button here and say I really do believe one of the greatest privileges as an American is the right to vote. It's baffling to me how many people will complain about something but then will sit on their butt on voting day.)
As a pastor one of the things I'm committed to is trying my best to help people.
And I am sure some of the questions you may be wrestling with in your home when it comes to politics are "Who is really real?" and "Who would do the best job leading our country?".
Before I go on please let me be very clear in saying I will not use the platform of NewSpring Church or social media to specifically endorse any political candidate. It would be spiritual malpractice for me to point to any person other than Jesus, the source of life and peace.
However, I will use my platform to have conversations with anyone who is running for President of the United States. I am willing (and interested) in having conversations with these people in regards to where they stand on issues that really do matter to people who follow Jesus.
I have reached out to the candidates (on both sides of the aisle) and asked if I could serve them by helping them get their messages out via social media. During this run for President I will do my very best to sit down with any candidate and have a live (non-edited) conversation that will be broadcast to the world via social media.
Who is leading our country really does matter... and as a follower of Jesus if I can understand, serve and maybe even influence someone who is going to be the next President I do not want to miss that opportunity.
Once again: I am NOT endorsing a specific candidate– I am simply having a conversation.
With that in mind, I am really excited about some upcoming interviews with a couple of candidates! Keep an eye on social media (mainly Twitter and Facebook), for updates on any upcoming interviews.
As followers of Christ we are called to pray for our political leaders...and these interviews will give us an amazing opportunity to not just know who to pray for, but what we can specifically pray about.