
My Bible Journey

Aug 31, 2007

When I get to heaven (to the surprise of many I will be there!) I can’t wait to meet Isaiah!  God is using him to rock my world…here are a few more thoughts on my journey through Scripture.

  • Isaiah 46:3-4 - Every once in a while I will hear it, “NewSpring can’t keep going on like this!”  Uh…this is a partial truth…it can’t keep going on like this…it can ONLY GET BETTER!  This verse rocked my world!
  • Isaiah 48:17 - Leadership is as easy as listening to God—I am trying to make more time to listen!
  • Isaiah 49:6 - This verse challenged me to continually have BIG VISION!  The problem with the church today isn’t that God is small—but rather our vision is!
  • Isaiah 49:13 - At times I am emotional when worshiping God—and that seems to be ok with Him!
  • Isaiah 50:4 - Why do I, at times, stress over message preparation?  If I listen to God His word says that He will give me the words, instructing me every morning!
  • Isaiah 50:7 - WOW, this verse came at the right time!
  • Isaiah 51:2 - God is definitely into growth—just look at His track record!
  • Isaiah 51:11 - I want to see more and more of this!!!
  • Isaiah 51:12 - Oh, snap!  DO NOT FEAR MAN!
  • Isaiah 53:1-6 - JESUS—THANK YOU!!!
  • Isaiah 54:2-3 - YES!  I honestly believe this is getting ready to happen here at NewSpring!  It’s GAMETIME!
  • Isaiah 54:17 - I NEEDED THIS!!!  With all that has taken place this week—this verse absolutely blessed and encouraged me.
  • Isaiah 55:8-9 - God is smarter than me!  I want to learn to think more like Him!
  • Isaiah 58:11 - The Lord will guide me (and you) continually!!!
  • Isaiah 60:4-5 - We are seeing this!!!

Isaiah 61:4 - I read this just this morning…and I could not stop thinking about it.  I believe there is a group of pastors out there that this verse applies to!  The church in America is NOT in good shape, the population is INCREASING in our country and the church is DECREASING!  In a time where we should be experiencing EXPLOSIVE growth the church is in an EXPLOSIVE decline.  BUT…there is a group of pastors out there who God has called to rebuild the ruins…to repair what is broken…and guys, I am so glad to be partnered with you!  STAY ON THE WALL…DO NOT COME DOWN TO SLING MUD!  STAY FOCUSED ON JESUS!

One more thing about Isaiah 61:4 - When I read it I think of those at NewSpring who volunteer…people who give their time to selflessly serve each and every week.  If this is you—THEN YOU are a part of this verse…God is using you to build the church…you are making a difference…lives are being changed…and as we continue to build together I believe that God will continue to allow us to see Ephesians 3:20 come to life right in front of our eyes!!!