#2 - We Must Deal With The Leadership Challenge - Acts 1:15-26
After Jesus went back into heaven the believers (about 120 people) got together and prayed (Acts 1:14). What I find interesting is that so many well meaning people think that prayer alone will grow a church…and that line of reasoning leads to frustration and, in some cases, disappointment in God.
Yes, prayer IS NECESSARY. Prayer is a reminder that we need the grace and mercy of the Almighty if we are to accomplish ANYTHING significant.
However…verses 15-26 clearly show us that the Apostles were clearly led by the Holy Spirit in this time of prayer to deal with the leadership challenge that was clearly in front of them.
Judas was one of the twelve…and he sold Jesus out, thus leaving an empty place on the leadership team that Jesus had assembled.
In this text we see the Apostles had clearly defined leadership expectations (Acts 1:21-22) and were guided by the Word of God (Acts 1:20).
Whenever people talk about the book of Acts the common fascination seems to be with Acts 2; however, I believe the foundation for the move of God that took place in Acts 2 was in Acts 1…the leaders received a clear vision and then made sure the leadership was in place to execute that vision.
God works through leadership…I’ve seen in all through the Scriptures. And…He will not give a church more people and resources than the leadership is able to handle. That is why I believe a pastor/church leader must be obsessed with continually doing what it takes to grow as a leader so that they can expand their platform and therefore be entrusted by God with more blessings and responsibility.
Here at NewSpring Church I am constantly asking the following questions…
- Am I being a responsible steward of the leadership gifts I believe I’ve been given?
- Who are the leaders I need to make it a point to spend some time with in order to be stretched and grown?
- Am I willing to pay any price to grow and develop as a leader? (Proverbs 4:7)
- Am I willing to invest in the people on this staff to be grown and developed?
- Am I pouring into the leaders God has given me the privilege to serve with?
- What am I supposed to do…and then what am I supposed to delegate?
- Are there ANY obvious leadership issues that I am choosing to ignore?
- Do I fully understand that not dealing with those leadership issues could hold our church back from experiencing next level ministry?