
Is Your Church Red or Blue?

Jun 29, 2006

WOW—election time is here again.  Here in Anderson County we had a pretty heated mayors race…and the race for county council has been one of the nastiest things I have ever seen.  I am serious—the only other place I have ever witnessed this type of behavior is when I was in the first grade and there was a massive fight about who was the better team at kickball.

Politics…you’ve got to love politics!  Without this group of people—well, I am just not sure there would be any need for news networks.

And the way some churches embrace politics completely amazes me!

Now let me be very clear—as believers we are all called, no, COMMANDED by Scripture to pray for those who have the responsibility of leading us in our government.  AND…I believe that every American, and ESPECIALLY every Christian, should vote.

However, I believe it is a sell out when a church embraces a particular political party.  So when people ask is our church red or blue—I reply, “Neither—we’re purple—get over it!!!”

Seriously—Republicans and Democrats have been fighting for years…you have people like Dick Cheney on the right—Michael Moore on the left…and they can’t agree on anything except for maybe that buffet restaurants were a good idea!!!  We can’t do anything good by immersing ourselves here.

Folks—the salvation of our country will not EVER be found in a political party…and our job as the church is not to lift up either the elephant or the donkey…it’s to lift up Jesus.

Here at NewSpring we will never get involved in endorsing particular candidates.  That does not mean that I do not have friends in politics…I do.  I enjoy talking with these men and women…but the majority of our conversations center around church, Jesus, and their faith and not how NewSpring can partner together with them to undermine the “evil” party that stands on the other side.

Is there right and wrong?  Absolutely…and I am secure enough as a believer to challenge the people at NewSpring who vote to pray and ask God who HE wants to lead this country…if that happens then I promise He will lead you in the right way.

It’s our job to be passionate about Jesus!  When it comes to leadership—I vote for Jesus!  If a church takes a Sunday out to endorse a candidate or a party and they don’t talk about Jesus…then that church just wasted everyone’s time!  People go to heaven because they know Jesus and not because of more social programs or watching FOX news.

Now about the issues…well…that’s a different stories.  NewSpring will always take a stand on issues pertaining to Scripture.  For example—homosexuality is not a political issue—it is a Biblical one, and we are on the side of Scripture here.  Abortion is not a political issue, it is a Biblical one, and we are against murder.  Greed is not a political issue, it is a biblical one, and so we are for generosity.

Why do I write this?  Two reasons…

First of all to inform those who attend NewSpring that our church will always be about Jesus, lifting up Jesus, and challenging you to go and tell others about Jesus.  I can’t waste people’s time talking about Washington DC.  I believe every Sunday may be someone’s last opportunity to hear the Gospel…and God help me if I ever miss the opportunity to share His message because I want a particular person in power.

Second—to challenge other pastors and leaders to not go down the political road.  Teach your people to fall in love with Jesus…NOT a political party.  And then challenge them to vote and pray for the leadership of this nation.  THAT is our responsibility as leaders.  This does not mean you can’t have friends that are politicians…I do…and I am not ashamed of that.  But never EVER use your pulpit to lift up any man other than Jesus!