Is The Most Excellent Way To Lead Conference Going To Be Offered Online?
I'm sure you've seen it by now - March 3, 2016 we are hosting a conference here at NewSpring called, "The Most Excellent Way To Lead Conference."
One day, $79 (actually there is a way to get a ticket for $49) and tickets are selling like crazy.
Speakers are:
Dave Ramsey
Lysa TerKeurst
Steven Furtick
Brad Cooper
An interview with Mark Driscoll
And they're gonna let me speak as well.
It's gonna be the best conference we've ever hosted as we dig into what really is the most excellent way to lead - and talk about how YOU can become the best leader no matter what you happen to be leading.
We've received a few questions about whether or not this conference will be available online live.
Unfortunately, it will not.
I know that disappoints some, but I can promise you this - for those that are here, you are going to have an AMAZING time.
Can't wait!