
Is God Too Busy?

Sep 22, 2008

Friday mornings are my sleep in day.  So…this past Friday I got up, began brewing coffee and then listened for the noises in the house that would lead me to ‘Cretia and Charisse.

After playing with them for a few minutes we walked downstairs where I poured myself a cup of java and walked with the girls into the restroom where Charisse proceeded to brush her teeth!

I gave ‘Cretia and kiss & told her I was going to read my Bible and pray for a while and walked down the hall towards my destination until…I heard little footsteps behind me.

When I turned around Charisse was running after me (toothbrush in hand) and when I made eye contact with her she smiled and said, “Da-da!”

All of a sudden I forgot what I was doing.  I stopped, scooped her up and we played for a while.  I had to…what daddy can resist it?

Afterwards it hit me when I got to the location where I was about to have my quiet time, “Just like I wasn’t too busy for my child, God isn’t too busy for me!”

I had to stop & reflect on that for a few minutes.  It still blows my mind…GOD, the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE has time for me.

AND…I don’t have to shoot Him an email to get on his schedule.

Why did I have time for Charisse?  Simple—she’s my child!

God has time for His children!  In fact, His eyes are on us even when our eyes aren’t on Him.

God has time for His children!  And when His children RUN after Him…well, I just believe He is honored by that.

God has time for His children!  There isn’t a need or a hurt that bothers Him!

God has time for His children!  ALWAYS!  He’s NEVER too busy!  THAT’S AWESOME!