
Imitation or Revelation?

Jul 22, 2009

It seems in church world we are obsessed with looking for the next “latest and greatest” idea…we read books, go to conferences and scour blogs on a daily basis to find what “new” thing might take our church to the next level…

And then…we find “it!”  “It” could be what the church did that exploded in the city near us.  “It” could be the series that the church you follow on the internet launched that caused it to reach hundreds of new people.  “It” could be the program that is “seeing results in every church.”

And I am not saying that we should not do “it” from time to time.  We can (and should) learn from other people and places…but when we depend on the “it” we learn to take us to the next level we are most likely setting ourselves up for failure because…

“It” is merely imitation and not a response to revelation.

In church world we love to think that what God does at one place He can do at ours…BUT in order for Him to do that we must replicate the exact formula that has been defined (or possibly even marketed) at the original place of blessing.  We we make a decision based on our desire to do what has been done elsewhere and not because God is leading us…the idea probably won’t work.

There is NO SUBSTITUTE for the leaders in a church to get on their faces before an ALL KNOWING and ALL POWERFUL God and BEGGING for HIS LEADERSHIP when it comes to HIS CHURCH.

Leadership really is as easy as listening to God and then doing what He says.

I believe if there were more people responding to revelation from God instead of being obsessed with the imitation of others churches that we would see churches all over the country EXPLODE.

When was the last time you BEGGED GOD for HIS direction for your church…allowed Him to place a vision inside of your head that just about caused you to crap your pants…and then got a group of people around you that were willing to charge hell with a water pistol in order to make that vision happen?

BEG God for HIS revelation…and then do what He says.  It’s not that He’s not speaking…many times we’re just not listening!