I Have Decided You Should Never…

Apr 3, 2006

#1 - Eat a bunch of greasy chicken fingers & then go to bed!!! ‘Cretia and I went out for supper after church last night and I was in a “chicken finger mood.” I nearly cleaned my plate—I did leave one chicken finger on there so I didn’t quite feel like a pig! So I was up at 2:30 this morning…I didn’t throw up—but I REALLY wanted to! I have learned my lesson!

#2 - Wash your car!!! I personally think washing your car is over-rated. I have a serious issue because EVERY time I was my car—IT RAINS within 24 hours! I washed it yesterday afternoon and then lo and behold we were under a tornado watch this morning!!! (WOW—can you imagine what would have happened if I had waxed it?)

Just wanted to share what was going on in my world…