How I Lost 10 Pounds In Two Weeks
No, this is NOT a marketing scheme for a diet pill (or about how I drank the water on a mission trip!)
It was an idea I had a while back after hearing someone speak about sugar intake--and I wanted to see if it was true.
Sugar is one of the most addictive things in our culture today - and, it's in nearly everything we eat and drink.
So - what did I do?
Simple - I gave up drinking sweet tea (I live in the South) and soda's for two weeks. (And...if you drink alcohol, go ahead and put that in the "give it up" category as well, trust me!)
That was it!
I made no adjustments to my eating plan or exercise routine. I simply decided to stop drinking my calories (by the way...this included giving up diet sodas as well!)
And, as a result, I dropped 10 pounds in two weeks!
When I went back and did the math, between sweet tea and sodas I was drinking about 1,000 - 1,500 calories per day! And cutting that out (and basically only drinking black coffee and water) made an enormous difference.
However, while this is a good idea overall, it is not a long term plan for losing weight and feeling great.
Which is why I wrote, "I Can Win With Weight--A 90 Day Guide To Feeling Great And Losing Weight." It will be available the week of December 11 and I know it will help you accomplish far more than you ever imagined in the area of health and nutrition.