
Here’s What I Know!

Dec 1, 2011

I am NOT the smartest man on the planet.  People think I’m kidding when I say I made a 790 on my SAT…but that’s NOT A JOKE!

When we planted NewSpring I did not have strategies that I just knew was going to change the world…I had (and still have) conviction.  I didn’t (and still don’t) know a lot.  In fact, 40 year old Perry looks back at 30 year old Perry and thinks, “that guy was a moron!”

BUT…I knew some things then that I still know now!  And though structures and strategies will change over the course of my life these things will never change, it’s what I go back to every time I am tempted to throw in the towel.  I simply know…

#1 - I was lost!

#2 - Someone invited me to church! (Romans 10:14-17)

#3 - I heard the Gospel there!

#4 - Over time it changed my heart!

#5 - And, until this day it continues to change my thinking!

#6 - I want everyone on the planet to have this experience!!!

#7 - The majority of the planet is NOT having this experience, including some of the people we are in relationship with!

#8 - I believe the local church has been commissioned to IMPACT, not ISOLATE from, the world!!!  (Acts 1:8)

#9 - I believe if “Christians” would shut the heck up about the HOW (the methods) and focus on WHO needs Christ and be willing to do WHATEVER it takes to reach them then we would accomplish so much more than we could ever imagine!!!

#10 - I believe (as Bill Hybels says) that the local church IS the hope of the world!!!  Jesus established her, died for her and spent a lot of time in the Bible speaking to her!!!  If Jesus says the church is important…then it’s important!!!  (AND…if you have had a bad experience in a church take a second to read this!)

I don’t know what our church will look like in 5-10 years from now, I have no idea what will change; however, I do know that the 10 convictions I have listed above WILL be the same and we will still be doing everything we can to reach as many people as we can for Christ!