
Gametime Update

Oct 15, 2007

This past September we began a capital campaign entitled “Gametime.” I can honestly say that it was unlike anything we’ve ever experienced here at NewSpring Church. One of the things we intentionally strived for in the Gametime series was to make everything about Jesus and His kingdom—which DOES bring us to the subject of money.

Preaching on the subject of money used to be difficult for me. In fact, I strayed away from it in the early days of NewSpring because I was told that if I taught on it then people would leave—it wasn’t until about a year and a half into planting the church that I discovered that the ONLY people who get mad when you speak on the subject of $$$ are the ones who have it as their idol…and when you attack their god then tempers will flare.

Personally, I think that one of the reasons that our country is so screwed up financially is because the church has neglected to teach on the subject of money. (Yes, we are screwed up—more Americans will declare bankruptcy this year than graduate college!) AND yes, I have seen the abuses that some churches and para-church ministries do to people in regards to money…it makes me sick. BUT, one of the things I have personally discovered that following Biblical advice when it comes to ANYTHING, especially money, just makes sense.

That is why in the Gametime series we brought every message back around to Jesus. AND…in this series on money and finances we saw people give their lives to Christ!!! Folks—according to Matthew 6:21 how we handle money is a direct reflection of who or what we worship…and I promise you that when Christians across our country get their hearts right—money will not be an issue—ever.

What were the results of this series? Glad you asked…but first, let me hit some basics…

We had a goal of raising $20 million—BUT we said from the beginning that if we could get at least $12 million dollars pledged then it would be a win because we would be able to secure the financing needed for every single project…

  • Our children’s building—which will include a state of the art children’s worship facility! I am sick and tired of the church losing the battle for our children…if the world spends money on them then so should the church!
  • Our youth building—around 85% of all decisions made for Christ are made before a person reaches the age of 18. That’s why when people ask me, “Are you investing in missions,” I always answer, “You bet—there is no greater mission field than our teenagers and children!!!”
  • Greenville Campus - We are aggressively trying to finalize negotiations on a location in Greenville that will be SWEET…the deal is about 95% done…PRAY…and when this location opens we feel that thousands of lives across the upstate will be impacted.
  • Missions - We are still aggressively pursuing foreign missions opportunities…more about that later. AND we have partnered with an elementary school in our area to provide them a playground AND to purchase every child in the school a pair of shoes and a jacket for Christmas. (Around 80-90% of the kids in this school are on free are reduced lunch…and it has been reported that often times some of them will come to school in the winter without a jacket or shoes because they can’t afford it!)
  • And a few more things are coming as well! (Anyone remember last Mother’s Day?)

So…saying all of that…and after speaking for five weeks in vision and where our hearts are this church has stepped up and pledged over $13 million dollars!

YEAH GOD!!! NewSpring—thank you for being obedient—thank you for going all out, for sacrificing, for giving up a thing or two to make this happen. I was so moved in all four services last Sunday—and I wept in every one of them. It’s amazing to see what God has done—and to know that what is coming next is going to blow our minds.

WOW—last week was amazing. I was blown away by the number of middle and high school students—as well as the college students—who made commitments, who said they were going to go all out. I saw families come down together and pray over their card before putting it on the stage. I watched people who had recently given their lives to Christ just about jump out of their seats to make a pledge. AND—in everyone who came down I saw joy and hope and excitement.
NewSpring—I love you guys, and I am so pumped about the future. God has given us an amazing responsibility…and as long as we keep Jesus the focus and His Word the centerpiece to everything we do—wow—dang—we will continue to see Matthew 16:18 become more and more real!