
Four Leadership Questions That Are Stretching Me

Jul 2, 2008

Here are four questions that I wrote down last Friday that the Lord is using to stretch me…

#1 - What do I need to stop doing?  

Every leader should ask themselves this question about once a month.  If we are not careful our plates will become loaded up with things we feel like we have to do rather than the things we are called to do…and we'll begin to operate out of obligation rather than celebration.  (When a leader ceases to celebrate his life/work because of all he feels he has to do—there is a problem.)

So, I’m making that list…it’s not going to be easy…but there are some things that must go…

#2 - Do I always have to be right?  

One of the things the Lord has convicted me of lately is that I have always felt a silly desire to prove myself and show the world how “right” I am.  My primary calling by God is obedience…not defiance of those who disagree with me.

This question has caused me to slow down when someone brings up something that I disagree with…I ask is it worth the discussion…is it a matter of personal preference or Scriptural interpretation…will it impact the vision, you know, those sorts of things.  As I am growing as a leader I feel less and less the need to be right all of the time.

(By the way…the leader who always has to be right will drive the leaders around him away.)

#3 - Am I helping people around me succeed?  

If I am successful in life…then yay for me.  But if those around me are successful?  THAT will define me as a leader.  People will not remember me for what I accomplish…but they will remember me for what I helped them to accomplish.  And…I SERIOUSLY want everyone around me to live a life beyond their dreams and become who God created them to be…and I am SOLD OUT to that.

#4 - Am I speaking positively of other people? 
I had a friend once who would not allow you to say a positive thing about another pastor or leader.  Seriously, it didn’t matter who you were talking about they would say, “Yeah…that person is great and all, but…”

To be honest…I always wondered what they said about me.

One of the signs of a secure leader is that they can speak positively of other people without having to slam them at the same time.

Those are just a few things the Lord is using to stretch me!