
Five Things To Look For In A Staff Member

Oct 4, 2007

One of the questions I often get from church leaders is what do we look for in a staff member here at NewSpring Church…let me share five things…

#1 - Vision

Does the person have a vision—a HUGE vision—and Ephesians 3:20 size vision? Some questions to ask may be…

  • What do you REALLY want to see the Lord do in this church?
  • What are some ideas you have right now to make the area in which you are interviewing a better place?
  • Why do you want this job?

If they can’t answer these three questions with some sort of confidence…they probably don’t have any vision!

#2 - Potential

At NewSpring Church we hire for potential…where a person has been OR the amount of education a person may have doesn’t really matter to us. Seriously, we have ONE person with a seminary degree on our staff…and a couple of our key leaders never completed their college degree.

You give me a staff full of fire and passion to change the world and I couldn’t give a rats rear end about their “formal training.”

Many times I have made a hire and the person actually has no experience in the area in which they are being hired for…but what they did have was raw passion and a desire to learn…and I have seen God do some amazing things with these people!!!

#3 - Character

Are they godly? Do they love Jesus? If this is unclear then I would not make a move…IF that kind of thing is important to you!

#4 - Chemistry

Do you like them? Seriously…can you get along? Do you actually enjoy seeing them heading your way in the hall? There are too many churches in America where there is no staff unity because the pastor has his staff hired for him by some flippin committee who doesn’t know JACK about the day to day operations of the church.

Ask yourself…are they likable? BUT please understand that, even if you like them, this does not mean that you should hire them! BUT…it is nice to enjoy the company of the people you work with!

#5 - Tithing

WHAT? Yep! You saw that correctly! Here at NewSpring we hire within about 90% of the time…and we ALWAYS check tithing records if we are considering someone to come on staff—ALWAYS.

Why? it’s simple—Jesus said in Matthew 6:21 that where your treasure is—that is where your heart is…and if someone is not placing their treasure in the offering plate then JESUS said their heart is not truly here.

ALSO…as a staff member decisions will have to be made in regards to how to spend the churches money—the TITHE money that other people give. Why would we ever allow someone to come in and make decisions with the money they had no part in contributing to? That would be crazy…and they would be careless.

Those are just a few suggestions…what did I miss?