Five Things Every Parent Should Keep In Mind
Parenting is one of THE most challenging things I've ever faced in my life (and it has also been one of the most rewarding.) Here are five things I am learning in my parenting journey...
#1 - I Need To Care More About My Child's First Name Than Their Last Name.
It is so easy to get caught up in our child's accolades and accomplishments that we begin to try and live our lives through them rather than encouraging them to become who Jesus wants them to be. When Jesus custom designed our children, He did so with a plan in mind. His plan may not look like "the family plan," and as parents we need to be as encouraging as possible, refusing to allow "how will this make ME look" to dictate the decisions of our children.
#2 - Engage With What Your Child Loves To Do.
I wish Charisse (my daughter) loved to play basketball. I used to imagine us putting up a goal in the driveway and shooting the ball and laughing...but the reality is, she just doesn't like basketball. So as her dad, I can make her go outside and play with me, or I can engage with her in her world so I can find out what matters to her.
Which means...I know about American Girl, Disney princesses and fairies and I will be going to see the new Cinderella movie. My goal in all of this is that she would always remember me being interested in what she's doing, and because of that she would feel the freedom to always speak to me truthfully about what she is dealing with.
#3 - Discipline With The Goal Of Keeping The Relationship.
An awesome friend gave me that last sentence. As parents we must be willing to disciple our children, but the goal should be that when they leave one day (and they will leave) that they would actually want to come back around because they want to and not because we had to guilt them into it.
#4 - Have The Courage To Say "No!"
I hate telling Charisse "no." I hate seeing hurt and disappointment on her face. However, I am the man God has called to be her father, and because I love her I must have the courage to tell her "no" when she wants to do something that simply is not best for her.
All too often our tendency as parents is to be popular with our kids; however, if we are going to be great parents we must be willing to allow ourselves to be unpopular for the short term so our kids can be blessed in the long term.
#5 - Pay Attention To Their Friendships
I read Proverbs 13:20 the other day which says, "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm."
Show me your child's friends and I will show you their future.
If there is someone who concerns you--ask your child about that person. There may be circumstances in that kids life that would change your opinion if you were aware of them.
Parenting is a journey!!! As I said at the beginning, it has not been easy; however, I am so thankful God has called me to be a part of Charisse's life!