Five Resources I Would Reccommend To Every Leader!

Oct 25, 2017

1 - "Building A Story Brand" by Don Miller

When I tell you going through Don's course changed EVERYTHING for me - it's not an "over-sell!"  It changed the way I market, communicate and understand branding.  

(And the Building a Story Brand podcast is always straight fire!)

2 - The Learning Leader Podcast by Ryan Hawk is ALWAYS exceptional.  Ryan is an EXCELLENT interviewer - I always take a TON away from each episode!  

3 - The “Start With Why” Ted Talk by Simon Sinek will be the best 17 minutes you invest in your leadership today (if you have not seen it yet, TRUST will bring unbelievable clarity in regards to how to cast clear/compelling vision!)  

4 - Jim Collins DOT COM - a HOST of absolutely free resources from one of the world's experts on leadership!  

5 - The Preaching Workshop - it’s going to be an incredible event - and you will walk away with more vision for this next year of ministry than you’ve ever had!