
Five Reasons You Should Be Here On Sunday!

Sep 15, 2009

People often ask, “why should I come to church this weekend?”  Here’s five reasons why…

#1 - We are going to talk about sex…and it will be the most intense, direct and honest message I’ve ever preached on that subject.

#2 - Hearing AND applying what will be taught on Sunday COULD save your marriage…or your future marriage…from the disaster that affairs bring.

#3 - Because you may struggle with having a past sexual history…and you need to know that if you have received Christ then God has forgiven you and wants you to move on!

#4 - Because there MAY be an attack on your marriage that you are unaware of that will get exposed on Sunday.

#5 - Because I will be doing interpretive dance dressed in a pink tutu!

OK…every single one of these are true except the last one!!!

Seriously, can’t wait for this Sunday as we conclude the “Five Lies of the Devil” series by talking about the lie, “It’s Just Sex!”

AND…the next week we begin, “How To Survive The End of the World,” our very first series ever on the End Times!!!  YES!!!