Five Myths About Anxiety & Depression
#1 – Someone who is a Christian will never wrestle with anxiety and depression.
If this is true, then what about Moses asking God to take his life (Numbers 11:14-15), and then Elijah (I Kings 19:3-4) and later Jonah (Jonah 4:3) all asking to die? Paul admitted that he despaired life (II Corinthians 1:8) and even JESUS said that His soul was “Overwhelmed” (Matthew 26:38).
#2 – The way to overcome being overwhelmed is to pray and read your Bible more.
I often tell people that the theme song of hell is “Do More, Try Harder!” For far too long Christians have said they believe in grace, but when it comes to worry, anxiety and even depression we rely on works.
This Sunday at NewSpring Church I am going to talk about ONE THING that EVERY person can do (Christian and non-Christian) that is the first step towards healing.
#3 – A person who trusts Jesus will not take antidepressants.
I recently wrote an entire article about taking medication for mental illness. But, just so you know…I take an antidepressant and I love Jesus right now more than I ever have in my entire life.
#4 – Anxiety and depression is just who I am and I will never be able to experience any type of freedom.
This is a lie!!! I battled through depression in my past and am battling through anxiety right now. Jesus said in John 10:10 that His plan is for us to have an abundant life!!! That’s not just when we get to heaven, but right NOW too!!
#5 – If I admit I am battling with these things people will think I am weird.
It will surprise you when you begin to open up about how you honestly feel how people will look at you and say, “me too, I thought I was the only one who felt that way.”
I saw Beth Moore tweet earlier this week, “One reason why a person who has truly loved Jesus stays trapped in secret sin & seduction is that he/she is terrified to trust anyone.” That is SOOOOOO true!! But one thing we believe at NewSpring is that you can't do life alone. And I am living proof to tell you that I wouldn't be where I am today had I not told someone about what I was struggling with.
This coming Sunday is going to be one of the most IMPACTFUL Sunday's we have EVER had as we get real in addressing worry, anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. I believe people will receive HELP and HOPE…and that FREEDOM will be experienced by people who previously thought it to be impossible. I can't wait!!!