Five Amazing Resources You’ve Got To Check Out!
Here are five AMAZING resources you've got to check out...that will absolutely add value to you as a leader.
#1 - The book, "The Art of Explanation" by Lee LeFever is an absolute MUST read for anyone who wants to make sure they are communicating in a way that is as clear as possible. (Pastors, trust me, this book is solid GOLD when it comes to communication!)
#2 - The interview with Stephen Mansfiled on Don Miller's "Building a Story Brand" podcast about "Why Leaders Crash & Burn" is unreal - I listened to it in the gym this morning...and it's one of the few interviews I am actually going to go back and listen to it again!
#3 - This message by Andy Stanley on, "The Not So United States of America" is THE BEST explanation I've ever heard by anyone in regards to having a better understanding of the refugee crisis.
#4 - If you are looking for an excellent leadership podcast to add to your playlist - "The Learning Leader" by Ryan Hawk is one of the best I've ever heard - he is one of the best interviewers on the planet (and has a really cool voice!)
#5 - This article on how to effectively lead millennials is one of my favorites!
( that last one was a bit self serving, but, hey, this is my website!) :-)