

Apr 17, 2008

One of my prayers is that Charisse makes it to her first birthday because…well…she’s FEARLESS.

If I am holding her there is absolutely nothing she seems to be afraid of. She will dive off the bed into the floor as long as I am there. She will try to walk across the room if I am holding her hands. She will just about do anything because, well, she’s in the presence of her father…and that causes her to be FEARLESS. She sleeps in the dark. She loves the water…

I’ve read that babies are born with basically two fears, #1 - The fear of loud noises (she definitely doesn’t like it when I blow the horn) and, #2 - The fear of falling. Every other fear a child develops is a learned fear. My prayer is that I always keep an eye on her because, with me, there is nothing she won’t try.

And to be honest…I WANT that for myself and my relationship with my heavenly Father. I want to be FEARLESS…to go all out, for there to be nothing that I won’t try.

I began to thing about why she is so fearless…and I came up with two reasons…

#1 - She Knows Me

Since day one of her being on this planet I’ve been involved in her life. In the early days the effort was all me reaching out to her…but over the past few months she’s reached her arms out for me on more than one occasion because I have become a familiar sight to her.

I want to know God…intimately, passionately…on a level in which I’ve never experienced before. As I look back I understand that I am His because of the effort He put forth to draw me to Himself…but now I also understand that I need to constantly be reaching out my hands to Him and reading His Word, trying my best to know Him…which leads to…

#2 - She Trusts Me

I’ve thrown her up in the air…and I’ve always caught her. I’ve held her hands when she walked…and I’ve never let go. I’ve heard her cry out so many times…and I’ve always paid attention to her. She knows that she can trust me.

In my head I know that about God…but there are times when my actions don’t back up that I fully trust Him. He’s never let me fall beyond His reach. I need to believe God is exactly who He says He is and can do exactly what He says He can do in His Word. I want to trust Him the way my little girl trusts me.

I want to be fearless…which will lead to me being RECKLESS…which is exactly how the men and women God has used the most throughout history to change the world.

I will be controlled by fear (or committees) or God…

I want to be FEARLESS.