Got this question via Twitter the other day…
“How can you tell if you are living in fear? Why is it so important to have courage and fearlessly lead as a pastor?”
Great question…three things to keep in mind here…
#1 - A Person Who Is Fearful Will Listen To No One!
Fear and insecurity often go hand in hand…and many times a leader will not listen to others because they know they are wrong, know the other person is going to tell them they are wrong…and think that if they continue to ignore the obvious that it will eventually go away!
I am SO GLAD that the Lord has put godly people in my life that love Jesus, love the church and love me. When I find myself NOT wanting to speak to them because I know what they are going to say…I usually remind myself that God is using them to protect me from my stupidity!
As I heard Andy Stanley say once…Solomon was the wisest man on the planet…he needed no one else’s advice…yet he wrote more on getting advice from others than just about anyone!
#2 - A Person Who Is Fearful Will Listen To Everyone!
The person who brags, “I always listen to everyone…I have an open door and desire for everyone to speak their minds” is miserable. This appears to be “humble” on the surface…but all too often this person is consumed by fear that he or she is going to let someone down…and so they feed off the appleause of men, thus negating the applause of heaven!
Proverbs 29:25 says that fear of man is a snare…and the person who NEEDS the affirmation of everyone will please no one…INDLUDING the ONE who called him!!! We we give equal access to everyone it isn’t because we are “humble” but rather because we want to please men…something that we MUST let go of! (Galatians 1:10)
WHO you listen to will determine WHAT you are able to accomplish…listen to JESUS and the people who love Him…and let the others blog and twitter whatever they wish!
#3 - A Person Who Is Truly Fearful is Faithful!
I believe EVERY ministry leader should memorize Proverbs 1:7 and Job 28:28 - we are called to FEAR the Lord; unfortunately, too many leaders fear those who think they know Jesus…and blog on His behalf!
If you are a leader…AND you are doing something new and seeing results…you are GOING TO TAKE SHOTS—PERIOD! If you can’t handle being hated…then you are NOT called into ministry!
That is why I believe it is essential for a leader to have a dynamic, consistent and intimate walk with the Lord…so we can HEAR HIS VOICE and do exactly as He says!
I once heard John Piper say the way to overcome fear is to fall in love with the Sovereingty of God!!! All too often we SAY we believe HE is Sovereign…until someone takes a shot at us…and then we act as if the world is falling apart!
We are called to fear the Lord…to feel the weight of Hebrews 13:17 and James 3:1!!!
We can’t fear listening to people—we can’t fear people—we are called to FEAR the Lord—which means we will do WHATEVER He commands—WHENEVER He commands it…knowing that some will not like it…but our call is to be FAITHFUL—PERIOD!