Do You Want Your Church To Grow In 2018?

Jan 2, 2018

For far too long there has been a "shaming" of pastors/church leaders who want their churches to grow (usually by people with small mind and ZERO vision.)

However, I think it's AWESOME you want your church to grow...

...that you want to reach more people...

...that you want to see more lives changed...

...that you actually want to take Jesus at His Word and fulfill the Great Commission!

Not only am I pumped that you WANT to grow your church - but I believe you CAN grow it.

It all comes down to two things - leadership and execution.

Often times as church leaders we spend so much time working IN the church that we have very little time to work ON the church...

...which is why in 2018 I am going to be hosting private workshops for you and your team (up to five people) here in Anderson, SC.

In these private workshops we will...

1 - Assess where you are as a church.

2 - Set goals in regards to where you want to be


3 - Establish a 6-12 month strategic plan to get you there (which will include sermon/series planning, raising resources and breaking through the barriers that have held you back for far too long.

Information about our private workshops can be found here!

I can promise you it will be well worth the investment as you will leave with confidence and clarity unlike you've never had before.

Oh, AND one more thing...

We are GIVING away a private workshop experience for someone who has purchased either my Video Coaching curriculum and/or our Building A Generous Culture video curriculum.

If you would like to be entered in the drawing - all you have to do is purchase one of these resources (which will absolutely impact your leadership AND the stewardship in your church) and your name will go in the hat.

The last day for this offer is 12:00 midnight on Friday, January 19, 2018.

I am so excited about this next year - and would be absolutely honored if my team and I could help your church put a plan into action that propels your church forward.

Here is the link to the coaching videos!

And here is the link to the Building A Generous Culture curriculum

When we pray, plan and put into practice the steps that need to be taken - we will see a SIGNIFICANT difference.