DC Is Great!!!
Jason Moorhead and I are here in DC & about to go on a tour of the Capital…awesome! I can’t wait…I’ve never been inside the capital so I should have a story or two to tell when I get home.
Speaking of getting home—our flight was delayed getting here last night…I am not a fan of US Air…more about that later!
Back to DC…
We had lunch here in one of the House buildings—I think everyone had on a tie but me and Jason. I did bring a tie to wear to the State of the Union address tonight…but I am NOT putting it on until the very last minute.
Oh yeah, I worked out at an awesome gym this morning…I don’t exactly remember the name of it…but it was supposed to be $25 a day for a guest…I told the manager, “Look dude, I am a redneck from South Carolina who just wants to sweat a little—hook a brother up,” and he GAVE me a FREE three day membership—that’s awesome!
More later—got to go for now…I think “W” needs my assistance. :-)