Live For The MISSION not the MOMENT!

Pastors and church leaders will ALWAYS have to deal with distractions… ALWAYS! I was reading Romans 3 the other day and had to stop…

What Are You Afraid Of?

You will never get past your fears until you are willing to face them head on—period! And…as long as the enemy controls you through fear…

10 Questions Staff Members Should Be Asking

#1 - Do I trust the leadership of this church?  (If the answer is “no” then there are going to be problems because you will be…

15 Books That Have IMPACTED Me Personally

I’m asked quite often about the books I’ve read that have impacted me the most…here is a list of 15, these are not in any…

The Five Prices A Leader Must Be Willing To Pay

Jesus gave some INCREDIBLE advice in Luke 14:28-30!  Today we will dive into five areas where we need to be willing to pay the price as a…

Cheap Spiritual Leaders Are An Oxymoron - Part Two

There are two occasions in my journey as a church leader where I have personally learned the value of paying the price… In the fall…

Cheap Spiritual Leaders Are An Oxymoron - Part One

I’ve been wanting to write this post for awhile…but haven’t because I sort of feared being misunderstood.  However, it is literally burning…

Seven Distractions We Must Resist

Getting distracted is DANGEROUS!  (I remember taking my eyes off the road for just a few seconds the other day…and when I looked up I…

Quick Rant About Political TV Ads…

AHHHHHH!  Two quick things… #1 - STOP telling me what you are against, how bad your opponent is and how you are sure that if your…

Meetings Are Not That Bad

It seems to be cool in the leadership realm to crack on meetings, to talk about how unproductive they are, to say that if you are in…

7 Reasons Why Leaders Flame Out

#1 - We Allow Our Schedules To Control Us! When we begin to fall victim to our schedules and the demands of others…and in doing so…

Spring Coaching Network

Rick Warren has said so many times that pastors are the most underrated change agents in the world. As I approach the eleven year mark on…