Five Styles Of Leadership That Always Lose - Part Four

#5 - The Fearful Leader I remember the first full time staff member I hired (it was Lee!)  I was scared…I knew it didn’t make…

Five Styles Of Leadership That Always Lose - Part Three

#3 - The “It Will Go Away” Leader One of the WORSE things a leader can do when they become aware of a problem is IGNORE…

Five Styles Of Leadership That Always Lose - Part Two

#2 - The Apathetic Leader One of the biggest problems that exist in church world today is that there are leaders that do not care about…

Five Styles Of Leadership That Always Lose - Part One

#1 - The Lazy Leader I talked about this a little last week…but a church loses when the leadership is lazy and embraces…

Two Thoughts I Had As I Was About To Throw Up…

As many of you know…I recently hired a personal trainer to help me take it to the next level in my workouts. This past Monday was,…

Seth Godin Kicked My Butt!!!

One of the things I enjoyed about Catalyst the most this year was Seth Godin’s presentation…for some reason it absolutely…

Keeping Your F-O-C-U-S…Part Three

So far we have… F = Fight O = Optimistic C = Change U = UNDERSTANDING If we are going to remain focused as leaders then…

Keeping Your F-O-C-U-S…Part Two

Continuing the series (there will be three parts…) F = Fight O = Optimistic Call me crazy…but I am an optomist…I…

Keeping Your F-O-C-U-S…Part One

One of the struggles that I feel leaders face is the one to stay focused…here are a few things that I am currently learning and…

Sharpening Your Leadership

Andy Stanley is one of the most incredible leaders I’ve ever seen.  God has used him MANY times to challenge, frustrate AND encourage…

Three Truths To Keep In Mind When Trying To Resolve Conflict—Part Three

And finally the third truth… #3 - Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On You If You Are Angry! Ephesians 4:26-27 is HUGE when it comes…

Three Truths To Keep In Mind When Trying To Resolve Conflict—Part Two

#2 - Be Honest! One of the things I will do from time to time in a meeting is address the tension that exists in the room.  (Isn’t…