
I am reading Craig Groeschels book, “Chazown.” In it he has a prayer by Sir Francis Drake that says… “Disturb us,…

When I Saw The Blood I Freaked Out…

This past Saturday I was playing in the floor with Charisse while ‘Cretia was getting ready for us to go on a family stroll around…

Spiritual Warfare (Four Of Four)

We’ve been looking at spiritual warfare in the context of Nehemiah 6:1-13, today we will primarily take a look at Nehemiah 6:10-13…

Spiritual Warfare (Two Of Four)

In my first post on this I set up the story in Nehemiah 6:1-13. AND…like I said in that post, spiritual warfare is REAL.…

Spiritual Warfare (One Of Four)

I often have people ask me if I believe in spiritual warfare…my answer is ALWAYS an emphatic YES!  Many pursue by asking, “Come…

GASP - I Can’t Believe Jesus Did That!

The other morning I read Luke 8:26-39 and I saw something I’ve never seen before—seriously, it hit me right in the face and I…

He Carries Me!

I mentioned Habakkuk 3:19 the other day while journaling through my Bible journey on-line.  The Lord brought that verse back to mind this…

You’re Not Deep Enough

If you are a pastor/church leader then you have probably heard this statement before—and it just bothers you…I will admit it…

Pursuing Christ Or Comfort?

What is the one thing you know God wants you to do—but you constantly refuse because, in order to be obedient you would have to be…

Throw Away The Garbage

I remember one day that it was time to finally clean out my car. I was in college and so this task was something I continually put…

She Has No Idea How Blessed She Is…And Neither Do I!

Last night I took Charisse to bed and as I put her down into her crib I had this thought, “She has NO IDEA how blessed she is. …

Flippin’ Fire Ants Should Be Sent To Hell!!!

OK…so I’m mad—VERY mad…at fire ants. I know there is a purpose for everything God created; however, I am seriously…