Ten Things I Can’t Stop Thinking About…

#1 - Yesterday’s post seemed to have struck a chord with lots of people…I really pray it helped (or is helping) some guys with…

Shocked or Safe?

John 4 always messes me up… I could go on and on about the amazing story that unfolds in this text; however, John 4:27 really stood…

Catalyst Thoughts

There is NO WAY for me to wrap my mind around all that took place at the Catalyst Conference last week.  I loved reconnecting with friends…

Cool Things Happening At Catalyst

Hello everyone…wanted to give everyone a heads up on something awesome happening down here in the ATL at Catalyst called…

Unleash & Sleepless Nights

I woke up last Tuesday morning at 3:00.  It was one of those deals where I was WIDE AWAKE!  I tossed and turned and kept turning my pillow…

What They REALLY Mean…

One of the lessons I’ve learned while being in the ministry for the past 17 years is sometimes what people say isn’t exactly…


We are launching a brand new series on October 19th entitled, “Beautiful, a series for women and the men that pursue…


Scripture is so clear—God hates pride!  In fact, I read a couple of times this past week where He actually opposes the proud!!! …

Going Public…

Really quick hit here…but just wanted to say I am STOKED about this coming Saturday & our tailgate/baptism event at both our…

Broke & Stupid?

Are you broke? Seriously?  Be honest!!! If you missed one paycheck—would you be crippled financially?  How about if you missed…


Are you planning on being “Catalyzed?” One of the events that I LOVE going to every year is Catalyst.  The experience that the…

It’s The Vision, STUPID!

I’ve had a few people ask me my opinion on the presidential debate that took place this past Friday…so, I will share it…