
“But I Don’t Feel Like It!”

Jul 7, 2011

Maturity as a believer in Christ is when I consistently make the decision to trust and obey what God’s Word says rather than the way that I feel.  BECAUSE…honestly, there are going to be times as human beings where obedience isn’t the easy thing or the fun thing…but it’s always the right thing.

I’ll say it again…what God’s Word says MUST trump the way I feel.  Our feelings often change based on what we eat, how much coffee we have or if our favorite sports team wins; however, God’s Word DOES NOT CHANGE…it is both constant and consistant…and when we place ourselves in submission to HIS WORD rather than our world of feelings, greater things are in store.

For example…

I may not feel like forgiving someone.  They hurt me, wronged me…and for me to forgive them feels like they are getting away with what they do.  However, God’s Word commands me to love and forgive others (see Ephesians 4:32, Matthew 6:14-15, Romans 12:14-21).  Forgiveness is NOT an option for followers of Christ…it is a command.

I may feel that nothing is wrong with the person I am dating.  No, they are not a Christian…but they are really nice, do some nice things…and if I continue to stay with them then they “might” give their lives to Christ.  However, God’s Word clearly says in II Corinthians 6:14 to NOT be yoked together with unbelievers.  We can’t say we completely belong to Jesus if we are going to be flippant about what He has clearly commanded in His Word.

I may feel that there is nothing wrong with sex outside of marriage; after all, what’s the problem if both people are consenting adults, right?  However, the Bible is so clear in I Corinthians 6:18-20 and I Thessalonians 4:3-8 that we are to run away from sexual immorality, not towards it.  When we desire an orgasm more than obedience to God’s Word the result is always disaster!

I may feel like I can worship Jesus without my money being fully surrendered to Him; however, He said WAY too much in His Word for this to be an option.  AND…He said in Matthew 6:21 that our heart WILL follow our money.  The quickest way to have a fully surrendered heart is to have a fully surrendered wallet!

I may feel like I don’t need church to worship Jesus; after all, there are a whole bunch of imperfect people at church.  However, the Bible is clear in Colossians 1:18 that Jesus is THE HEAD of the church, it is HIS body…and if we are going to be fully devoted followers of Christ, then what matters to Him MUST matter to us…and one would have to be a fool to look at the Scriptures and conclude that His church does not matter to Him!

I may feel like lashing out in anger because I am not getting my way…but God’s Word clearly says in Philippians 2:3-5 that it is NOT about me and that I am clearly responsible for my attitude.

I may not feel like sharing Christ with someone or inviting them to church; however, Jesus said in Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:45-48, John 20:21 and Acts 1:8 that us sharing our faith is NOT an option.  He didn’t suggest it…He commanded it and then empowered us to do it.

I could go on and on…but you have definitely gotten the point by now.  When God’s Word is so clear on something for us to choose to follow our feelings over His facts is absolute insanity!  Jesus Christ is the same always (Hebrews 13:8) and HIS WORD will NEVER pass away (Luke 21:33!)

I’m not saying this is easy, heck, even the apostle Paul wrestled with this (See Romans 7:15-21!!!)  However, when we choose to fix our eyes and thoughts on Jesus and HIS WORD (Colossians 3:1-2) then we can rest assured that we will ALWAYS make the right decision!