
A Little Help From Blog World

Jun 18, 2007

OK…I’ve done this before…but for some reason I can’t find the e-mails that were sent in…and so I will do it again…

I need your help…

As a pastor/church leader—what questions would you like to see me answer (or issues would you like to see me address) on this blog? I would love to continue to use this as a ministry tool…so send in your questions and I will do my best to tackle them. (This is for NewSpringers too!)

I will tackle some of these on this site…have some “guest bloggers” hit some…and maybe send some Tony’s way and let him hit one or two…or one hundred!!! :-)

I am NOT claiming to have all the answers…but MAYBE I can offer a piece of advice or two that someone may find helpful. Thanks!

One more thing…stay tuned for a BIG announcement coming NEXT week!!! :-)