A Letter From Pastor P To NewSpring Church
Howdy NewSpring Church, EIGHT things I want to share with you today...
#1 - In my opinion Clayton King preached THE BEST message I've EVER heard him preach this past Sunday at NewSpring (and we've been friends for over 20 years!) If you (or someone you know) is the victim of sexual abuse and you missed the message on Sunday then you have GOT TO WATCH it online or download the podcast on Itunes sometime after 12:00 today. I can honestly say as someone who experienced being sexually abused as a child that it was THE most powerful and liberating message I've EVER heard on the subject...and I believe the fruit from this message will be seen in our church for decades as both women and men stepped out of the shadows and shamefulness and came forward to ask for help!! I thank JESUS that we have a church that will deal with the tough issues that people are facing...even when it means embracing the uncomfortable!!! I LOVE MY CHURCH!
#2 - Here is the sermon recap in 10 tweets.
#3 - You have got to watch THIS VIDEO that we played at the end of Clayton's message about Charie, a lady who was sexually abused as a child but now lives in the freedom that only Christ can provide. What makes this video incredibly powerful is that Charie is Clayton's wife!!! WOW, just wow!!
#4 - We wrap up the Eve & Adam series THIS SUNDAY...trust me, we've got something REALLY special for this last service, believe it's going to be the BEST ONE YET (especially if you are a lady!) BRING SOMEBODY!
#5 - On Sunday, December 2nd we are going to dive into a brand new series entitled "Fully Alive" as we deal with why so many people (and churches) seem to be merely existing but not living!!! Jesus did not promise us a boring, predictable and stale life (or church) but rather one that is FULL and COMPLETE!! If you (or someone you know) are not experiencing this then this series will answer why...and show you what you can do to step into what Jesus has promised. I believe that you (and our church) will never be the same as a result of this series!!!
#6 - AND...on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd we launch our 8th campus in Greenwood!!! 9:15 & 11:15!!! (Here is our G'Wood Campus on Facebook!!!)
#7 - Insanity = NOT BRINGING SOMEONE TO OUR CHRISTMAS SERVICES THIS YEAR!!! (Here are service dates and times by campus) Like I've said so often, statistics show that people are more willing to "try church out" at Christmas more so than just about any other time of the year. Don't assume that someone won't come...invite them, even if you've invited them before. AND...it's not to early to let them know to get it on their schedule.
#8 - AND...I adamantly deny that I am a "Scrooge" because I have a "no Christmas music until after Thanksgiving lunch" rule! Folks, seriously...don't 'dis the Pilgrims!!! We gloss right over them!! It needs to stop!!! Everyone knows how important Thanksgiving is...and we need to celebrate it by eating and then watching the Detroit Lions lose in football...THEN it's time to celebrate Christmas! :-)
That's it for today...I LOVE MY CHURCH!