Pastor P

A Letter From Pastor P To NewSpring Church!

Oct 23, 2012

Howdy NewSpring Church, SEVEN things I would LOVE to share with you today…(asking for EVERYONE to help me get the word out about all of these!)

#1 - I am STILL excited over the opening of our Eve & Adam series from this past Sunday!  Sunday was the first part of a two part message where we dove into the two top lies that women tend to believe…the first of these two lies being, “I’m not good enough!”  (Every woman I know has felt the weight of this lie!)  My prayer is that the two truths we shared (“In Christ I Am Priceless” & “In Christ I Am Complete”) will be something that every woman will not forget.  (Ladies…remember Psalm 139:13-18 & Colossians 1:17!!!)

#2 - Here is where you can see the message summed up in 10 tweets!

#3 - A few GREAT resources for this series…

#4 - As I said earlier, this coming Sunday we are going to be diving into lie #2 that the enemy wants women to believe…I honestly believe it is THE LIE that damages women relationally and spiritually more than any of the lies the enemy throws your way.

#5 - A HUGE SHOUT OUT to our Columbia location!!!  We’ve had a campus in Columbia for a little over three years now and in that time have seen over 1,800 people come to Christ there!!!  We moved from the facility we were renting for the past three years to a portable location this past Sunday…and our load in/load out team did an AMAZING job!  Our Columbia campus will be meeting there through December…and in January will be moving into our permanent location!!!

#6 - Stay tuned…the official Greenwood campus launch date will be announced soon (and it will be sooner rather than later!!!)

#7 - Hey NewSpring Church, one more time…FOUND PEOPLE FIND PEOPLE!!!  I would ask EVERYONE in our church to read through John 1:35-51 and notice two back to back stories about someone meeting Jesus and then IMMEDIATELY going out and telling someone.  AND…after reading spend a minute or so asking the Lord to set your HEART ON FIRE for people who are far from Him.  (And…if you want to take it to the next level memorize Luke 19:10!)

That’s it for this week…can’t WAIT until Sunday, I LOVE MY CHURCH!!!