8. Do I Understand That I Am Responsible To People Not For People?
In Matthew 10:11-15 Jesus is very clear that the disciples are to preach but they are not the ones responsible for the outcome.
One of the most frustrating things for me as a leader is the realization that I cannot make people receive Jesus. I can’t make people read their bibles. I can’t make people serve. I can’t make people be more like Jesus (heck, I have a hard time with trying to make me more like Jesus!)
It’s frustrating at times when you see the potential in someone if they would just receive Christ or if they would just let Christ have complete control over their lives.
The danger is as leaders is we can do all we can do, see someone not achieving their potential in Christ and begin to feel guilty and second guess all that we’ve done. When in actuality we’ve got to understand we can’t make people do a thing. But we can consistently declare truth and pray that God will remove the calluses from their hearts so that they can receive Christ and allow Him to be preeminent in their lives.