
12 Things Leaders Need To Realize

Jul 22, 2010

It seems to be a week of lists…so I will keep on going!  :-)

#1 - As long as we are listening to God…we will always have a word to speak!  STOP worrying about the sermon!

#2 - Without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him…and it takes faith to make adjustments that He leads us to make, both personally and in the church.  (Hebrews 11:6)

#3 - He saved us, called us and PROMISED to never leave us!  HE IS WITH YOU…RIGHT NOW…TODAY (see Jeremiah 46:28!)  If He is with us…what do we have to fear.

#4 - We should find our identity in Christ and NOT in our ministry!  HE called, equipped and will sustain us!

#5 - NOTHING is too hard for Him (Jeremiah 32:27)

#6 - We should STRIVE to be the person that Isaiah 66:2 describes!!!

#7 - We should learn to rest and catch our breath instead of being compulsive and controlling…for in resting in Him our strength is renewed!  (See Isaiah 30:15)

#8 - We’ve got to learn to follow the model of Jesus when we are unjustly attacked and criticized.  (See I Peter 2:21-24!)

#9 - We’ve GOT to learn to receive the grace we so often tell others about…but secretly have a hard time receiving for ourselves.  (Ephesians 2:8-9)

#10 - We’ve got to stop listening to the voices in our heads that are telling us that we suck, are no good and will never amount to anything!  (Romans 8:1, II Corinthians 10:5)

#11 - We’ve GOT to keep going back to Joshua 1:9

#12 - We’ve GOT to have people around us who WILL speak TRUTH into our lives…even if it hurts.  (Proverbs 27:6)  We can’t listen to EVERYBODY…but if we listen to NOBODY then we (and the people we lead) are in trouble!