
Ten Things I Believe About Your Ministry!

Nov 23, 2009

#1 - God’s heart is not for your to fail and/or drop out!

#2 - God’s plans for your life/ministry are greater than yours!  (I Corinthians 2:9, Ephesians 3:20, Isaiah 49:6)  SEEK HIM!!!

#3 - God will surround you with the right people in order to make His vision become a reality.  (Proverbs 15:22)

#4 - God will reveal what He wants in His time…and it will be amazing!  (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

#5 - God cares more about your character than He does your churches numerical growth.  (II Chronicles 16:9)

#6 - The tomb is empty…and He didn’t mean for THAT to lead to boring, lifeless church services.

#7 - We should fear becoming IMPOTENT (having the equipment but lacking the passion to perform, via Bishop TD Jakes) way more than we fear becoming IRRELEVANT.

#8 - Success needs to be viewed through the lenses of obedience and not through comparing yourself to another ministry.

#9 - If what you are doing doesn’t cause you to say “oh crap” internally…then there probably isn’t any desperation for God…which means He will allow you to do ministry without Him.

#10 - If everybody likes you then you’ve spent way too much time kissing rear ends instead of being faithful to who God has called you to be and what He has called you to do!