
Seven Things We Allow To Guide Us At NewSpring—Part Six

Feb 11, 2009

#6 - We Preach Felt Needs

Right now we are going through the Sermon on the Mount, you know, the longest sermon Jesus ever preached.  AND…upon reading it it is EASY to see that Jesus addressed people where they were in order to bring them where they needed to be.  He dealt with issues such as…

  • How to walk with God.
  • How to endure being persecuted.
  • Forgiveness
  • Marriage and divorce
  • Money
  • Prayer
  • Worry
  • Heaven
  • Building your life on a solid foundation
  • And a LOTS of other things that we happen to think about EVER SINGLE DAY!

Jesus taught in a way that people could understand…yet NEVER compromised the Gospel…we try to do the same.

When it comes to series planning…we take it seriously.  We pray, we brainstorm, we constantly dig into the Scriptures and we also constantly dig into culture to see what people are dealing with.  Some people call that compromise…I call it being a good steward of the responsibility God has given us.

I once heard someone say, “The church IS answering questions.  The problem is that they are answering the questions no one is asking!”


I believe it is a win when a church can answer the questions that people are already asking and use it as a way to lead them to the GOSPEL.

(By the way…one of the reasons some are not willing to do this is because IT TAKES WORK!  Lazy leadership, in my opinion, is a reason many churches are not who God is calling them to be.)