Seven Reasons You Should NOT Come To NewSpring On Sunday!

Sep 5, 2014

#1 – You have NEVER felt “stuck” spiritually. 

#2 – You are not currently dealing with any sort of fear or frustration that has a way of invading your daily life and dominating your thoughts. 

#3 – You don’t want to be a part of one of THE MOST historical days in our church! 

#4 – You are too hung over from the home game this weekend (Clemson AND Carolina) and fear if we find out we will put you next to the sound system during the worship set in order to “sober you up!” 

#5 – You have WAY too much hope and encouragement and feel like you absolutely need no more of either. 

#6 – You are scared we are going to begin the “The Church Just Wants Your Money” series early and that we might actually begin a new tradition of passing the offering plates twice. 

#7 – You have heard the rumor that the NewSpring worship team has produced a polka version of “Highway To Hell” and will be opening the service with it this weekend! 

Seriously…this Sunday at NewSpring Church is going to be THE BEST EVER as we conclude the “I Love My Church” series this weekend!